Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Types of Sound

Types of Sound


Diegetic sound- refers to sound that both the audience and the characters can hear

Non-diegetic sound- refers to sound that only the audience can hear

Sound Bridge-

Friday, 18 November 2011


Zombieland Analysis

The opening scene to Zombieland shows us that is going to be a comedy zombie film. We see this by the costumes of the characters as there is a striper chasing a man down the street with nipple tassels on. There is a manor of high key lighting throughout the scene as it is set in pure daylight. We know that this is a zombie film as all the characters show fright on their faces and they are running away from the zombies. There has been a lot of make-up added to the characters to make them look zombiefied and are covered in blood where they have been feasting on other people.

The props that some of the characters are holding weapons such as an AK- 47, a Riot Shield and a tire iron. This is important because it shows us that people are trying to fight back against the virus but are losing miserably. We can see from the clip that it is set in America as the man running from the stripper is holding American dollars and the vehicles are all left-hand drive.

Upon looking at the title i can see that it is red standing for blood and it is an imbedded print meaning that the zombies are taking over the world. We can see from the camera angles the prologue of the film being that there are a lot of wide angles so that we can see EVERYTHING in the shot.

The music of the film is very rocky and mad so this shows us that people in the film could be mad or going insane.

Thursday, 20 October 2011



Continuity editing- its purpose is to create and provide efficient and artful transitions

In-camera editing - selecting and joining camera takes
                               - the set of techniques that governs the relation among shots


Tuesday, 18 October 2011


Story - The chronological order of all events explicitly presented and inferred by the text
Plot - The way the events are put together and presented to the audience

Tzvetan Todorov - Equilibrium = disruption/disequilibrium = new equilibrium

Narratology is a branch of structuralism

Linear - all in chronological order
Non-linear - story told backwards

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Micro Elements & Mise-en-scene

The five micro elements are:

Acting/body language

Also known as "CLAMPS".

Costume - indicates personality, status & job
                - tells us whether the film is set in present and what culture/society it surrounds.

Facial Expressions - shows peoples feelings.
                                - body language also shows peoples feelings.

Positioning of characters - positioning can draw attention to certain objects/characters.

Lighting - make people look mysterious
               - reflect a characters mental state

Types of Lighting

-Low key lighting - low meaning dark
                              - low key light = shadow

-High key lighting - lighting is natural
                               - sun is blocked out

Mise-en-scene means "everything in the frame".

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Key concepts in Media

1) Symbolic:

-key signifiers/images
-facial expressions & body language
-clothing, hair & make-up

2) Written

-type face
-choice of words
-emphasis of words

3) Technical

-camera angles
-framing (extra long shot, long shot, etc)
-juxtaposition (two separate signs that together make contrasting meaning)

Semiotics is the study of signs:

-text- pictures, etc

Signifier = The physical for that which we can see or hear; the words; pictures; the sounds.
Signified= The meaning of the sign what we understand it to represent.

Signifier = denotation
Signified= connotation

All media texts have two layers of meaning:

1) Denotation level: what we actually see.
2) Connotation level: what you associate this way - signified.

There is also a 3rd order of meaning which is the ideology & myth.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Uses of the Camera


  • Pan left - Pivot - Pan Right
  • Crab Left (move left) - Crab Right (move right)
  • Track in (move forward) - Track Out (move backwards). Point to note, do track but don't zoom during filming.
  • Ped up (camera moves up) - Ped down (camera moves down)
  • Tilt
  • Low angle- make people feel big and powerful
  • straight angle or eye-level
  • High angle- make people feel small and insecure
  • Canted or dutch tilt- angled camera
  • Worms eye- very low angle
  • Birds eye view- very high angle
  • Proximity- close up shows emotion on faces
  • Extreme close up- part of face
  • Close up- head and shoulders
  • Mid shot- from waist upwards
  • 3/4 shot- from knee upwards
  • Medium long shot- below knee
  • Long shot- whole person
  • Extra/Extreme long shot- further shot (more of the image is in the view including the character
  • Two shot- two people in the shot (conversation)
  • Over the shoulder shot- a shot taken over the shoulder